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Extended Foster Care (EFC)

Extended foster care is available to current and former foster youth who turned 18 in the Department’s legal custody and allows you the opportunity to continue residing in or return to licensed foster care or a supervised living arrangement. Extended foster care provides continued case management services, court oversight, room and board, and other services needed to ensure success as an independent adult.

Eligibility Requirements:

Young adults who at the age of 18, were in the legal custody of DCF, are eligible for EFC.

EFC gives eligible young adults the option of remaining in foster care until the age of 21 or until the age of 22 if they have a qualifying disability.

Qualifying Activity

  • Finishing high school or completing G.E.D.; or
  • Enrolled in post-secondary education; or
  • Working at least 80 hours/month; or
  • Participating in a job skills program; or
  • Unable to participate in one of the above full time due to a documented disability

Supervised Living Arrangement

Supervised Living arrangement options include with a licensed foster parent, in a licensed group home, transition home, host home, college dormitory, a rental home, or in your own apartment. All supervised living arrangements must be approved by your CBC.

  • You have the option to leave and re-enter EFC until the age of 21 if you meet the eligibility requirements.

To Remain Eligible, you must:

  • Meet with a caseworker every 30 days in the home
  • Participate in transition plan staffing
  • Continue to participate in at least one of the qualifying activities listed above.
  • Attend court judicial reviews every six months
  • Reside in a CBC approved supervised living arrangement

Eligibility Ends:

  • You have turned 21 years of age (or 22 with a documented disability)
  • You are not in a qualified activity
  • You are not living in an approved Supervised Living Arrangement
  • You opt out of Extended Foster Care